Sibiu Conference: How to work, have fun and really make a difference. A festival conference the Romanian way.

Having returned from the East European Music Conference on Saturday I have had time to reflect on one of the most enjoyable experiences in my career.

The line-up of speakers was fantastic, the hospitality second to none, the conversation scintillating and the atmosphere phenomenal. Ruud Berends, Christof Huber and Fruzsina Szep supported Codruta Vulcu and her team in creating the inaugural conference.

Codruta’s attention to detail is amazing and her tireless work with difficult authorities shows her determination to succeed.

Tied to the conference was the Music Festival set in main town square. A beautiful setting with excellent bands and such a great atmosphere.

So many of the bigger festivals started in the same way and it was just so brilliant to be reminded of how one person with an idea can do so much I such a short time.

This is a leadership lesson to us all, showing that against all odds a star in the sky can be created.


Professor Chris Kemp is CEO of Mind over Matter Consultancy and works with world leaders in their fields running Extreme Corporate Away Days for leaders and managers, as well as Executive Education and Team Development programmes.

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