MOM is pleased to announce the following new programmes being credit rated by Edinburgh Napier University. Shortly a series of professional certificates will be available combining these modules and others already credit rated to create programmes in events, crowd management, public order, health & safety and risk assessment
- Scenario Planning for ELT and Table top Team Exercises
- Crowd Management Planning
- Event Technology
- Legal Aspects of Event Management
- Risk Assessment
- Introduction to Sustainable Event Management and Practice
- Emergency Crisis Management
- Crowd Dynamics & Modelling
- Disability Equality for the Live Event Environment
- Evacuation & Invacuation Planning
- Decision Making and Human Rights for Public Order Policing
- Roles and Responsibilities of Gold (Strategic) Command for Policing Public
- Order
- Roles and Responsibilities of Silver (Operational) Command for Policing
- Public Order
- Planning for an Event and Tactical Options
- Scenario Planning for Public Order Policing