Can you survive the storm? Join Professor Chris Kemp for a tweet chat on Monday 27th March, 8-9pm to see how sea survival training might benefit your business.
Get thrown in at the deep end in this 2-day fast-paced programme where you are put into a real life crisis situation in a purpose-built training. The tank, complete with waves, mentally and physically transports you into a sea survival situation.
Into the deep combines a practical sea rescue with a range of leadership and management skills pre-ordained by the client.
The first part of the programme builds from small practical poolside exercises to a full-blown rescue putting individuals and groups through a RNLI sea survival programme in the immersion tank at the RNLI centre.
After the practical experience, the experts from MOM provide scenario-based parallel learning experiences including an oil rig disaster and a real-life sea captain kidnap to get the participants thinking about how to solve incidents.
They will need to draw on their leadership skills, decision making and problem solving knowledge, combined with communication and negotiation competencies.
The third part of the process is to get participants to reflect on their learning and relate all experiences back to the workplace supporting change and new ways of approaching issues and challenges in the workplace.
The impact of these programmes is threefold, firstly, to galvanise teams, secondly to create professional development and thirdly to create a more cohesive workplace. Its sound, it works and it will blow you away.