Try one of our four Extreme Away Days – #BlowYouAwayDays.
These experiences are not for the faint hearted as you step into this interactive, highly-pressurised environment.

You will leave having accomplished things you never thought possible.

These programmes are unique in the way in which they focus on dynamic experimential learning and specifically how those participating in the programmes utilise their newly acquired knowledge in their workplace.

By using such high pressure, dynamic scenarios, we are able to support the following areas:

– Communication

– Leadership

– Negotiation

– Talent Identification

– Decision Making

– Motivation

– Problem Solving

– Teamwork


Taken: Out of your Comfort Zone

#BlowYouAwayDays #Taken

Negotiate with a kidnapper as you are caught up in a kidnap/lone shooter scenario. Using actors and specialists in a live, immersive scenario, teams are put through their paces at strategic, tactical and operational levels.

This activity is high powered, thought-provoking and often brings out strengths in a team, which initially may have been dormant.

Revealing untapped potential and focusing on talent recognition can also be integrated into the programme.

Find out more in our TweetChat


Into The Deep: Working Under Pressure

#BlowYouAwayDays #IntoTheDeep

See if you can survive the storm at the RNLI training pool, as if you are a real volunteer.

Collaborate as a team to rescue yourselves from a real-life crisis situation in the water.

A team of RNLI experts will help you navigate in high seas, storms and bad weather replicated in a controlled environment. Pit your wits against the elements. Watch here

Expect to cement team relationships and enhance personal development.

Find out more in our TweetChat


Conflict: Communication through Negotiation

#BlowYouAwayDays #Conflict

Unleash the SAS in you as you find work for special forces operatives. Working together in a stressful situation can often cause teams to breakdown.

The scene is set by a military officer describing what his teams have to do in the theatre of war.

A surprise intervention by the military team give those participating a feel of the skills and knowledge needed to do the job.

The key outcome of the programme is to find these unusual employees a job outside the military identifying through interview which operatives would be best at which jobs.


Ultimate Grand Prix: Change through Challenge

#BlowYouAwayDays #UltimateGP

Be challenged to the max by driving at Silverstone race track with professional racing driver Callum MacLeod.

The programme includes a live driving experience, a Formula 1 car simulation and exercises in the Silverstone Racing Circuit iZONE complex.


Keep an eye out for more #BlowYouAwayDays including White Knuckle Ride and Dance Like No One’s Watching – coming soon.