Chris Kemp, Professor of Public Policy
Tuesday 9th October 2018 – 7-8.30pm
EventScotland in partnership with Edinburgh Napier University presents the Professorial Lecture by Chris Kemp, Professor of Public Policy.
Professor Kemp is CEO of Mind Over Matter Consultancy Ltd. He has a wealth of experience and proven record of accomplishment in the fields of event safety, risk management, crowd safety, emergency planning, crowd science, counter-terrorism, leadership & management. He has provided expert support for indoor and outdoor arenas, greenfield sites, transport hubs, retail centres and almost every conceivable crowded space environment.
The lecture will focus on the importance of applying an interdisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of crowded space – assessing behavioural and psychosocial aspects of crowded space management alongside the sometimes more accepted hard science elements. He will consider three case studies of major events and venues where behavioural and psychosocial aspects have made an important contribution to the shaping of the space and the management of those within it. The information compiled brings into sharp focus how twenty years of trial and error can help to develop a continuum of safety and security.
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