The YES Sessions


Orange Together at Roskilde Festival

Presented by Sofie Dahl of Roskilde Festival and Volume Creative Agency


Orange Together is the culmination of several years of work against offensive behavior at Roskilde Festival.

In 2018 we gathered our knowledge and set in motion a large scale project to really get difficult conversations going.

Even though offensive behavior is not more common at Roskilde Festival than ordinary city and nightlife in Denmark, the festivals special and open-minded spirit is sometimes used as the argument to overstep other peoples limits. Something that Roskilde Festival refuse to accept.

We wanted to make changes and put the focus on prevention, with a focus not only on Roskilde Festival, but also the wider world.

Roskilde partnered with NGO’s, who specialise in this, area all year round and together with a commercial agency, Volume. Roskilde have developed a campaign that takes on board the heavy burden of issues; including consent, especially saying no, stating personal limits and standing up against offensive behavior in an area where fun, free spirit and music is at its peak.

One of the ways Roskilde and Volume did that was by developing a card game, which could be taken into the campsites, where the young people were staying for several days leading up to the festival.

The card game contained scenarios and dilemmas and offered different responses to them, some cheeky and some serious. This enabled the conversations to begin!

Every card game ended with an interview, carried out by one of 120 volunteers, to gather information from the participant’s point of view.

Other initiatives of Orange Together:

  • Communication campaign before and during the festival with essential messages from the Orange Together game and dialogue work at the camp sites. Also showing on stage screens and festival sites.
  • Information e-learning programme for service and safety staff, with a focus on social workers.
  • Knowledge exchange with others, including police, experts, and other event/festival organisers.

As a non-profit charity organization, Roskilde celebrates the great things that the festival can do, but also take a responsibility in working towards a safe and free festival experience. With that comes the work we do in Orange Together.

The development of Orange Together made way for a lot of great conversations with the Roskilde audience, and it became clear that the conversation was both welcome and indeed necessary.

Change starts with the conversation, and it is on its way…


If you would like any further information about the Orange Together project, please contact:


The presentation can be downloaded at the link below until 6th February 2019.

Download Presentation

This session was delivered at the 27th YES Group European Health & Safety Seminar at ESNS 19.The YES Group is a subsidiary of Yourope, with a focus on event health and safety.For more information about the group, who hold twice yearly seminars for those working in the event and festival industry, please