Come to MaMA!
Register your attendance below at the much anticipated 29th YES Health and Safety Seminar to be held in partnership with MaMA Festival & Convention 2019.
The seminar returns to MaMA with a full programme over two days. Promising to deliver a diverse, dynamic and, as always, relevant range of sessions, the seminar is to be delivered by some of the most respected professionals in the European Event & Festival Health and Safety industry.
The seminar is to take place on the 16th & 17th October 2019 and is free* to attend for Yourope affiliated members. Attendance is also open to non-Yourope members for a small fee of 75 Euros (payable on invoice).
The seminar registration includes two days seminar delivery, MaMA wristband**, delegates dinner (also available to non-Yourope members for a 25 Euros fee), refreshments, lunch, seminar resources, and materials.
*Two free spaces per affiliated festival. This Yourope affiliation will be checked and those found not to be registered with Yourope will be invoiced for the full amount + administration charges.
**Those who register to attend the YES seminar, collect their MaMA pass and then do not attend any of the YES seminar sessions will be charged for their MaMA wristband + administration charges.
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