Waking up this morning to the Governments new green initiative I didn’t feel the usual enthusiasm of what a great idea, nor the uneasiness of another repurposed set of vote maintaining ravings. I just felt that nagging cynicism attributed to ideas where a party is casting about in a sea of mediocrity to try to latch on to something they have not bothered about ever in all their years of Government. However, I cannot be judgemental about one party without identifying that the Labour Party are just as much to blame, and the left and right policies always come around full circle eventually. Successive Governments, although they have been warned but have done nothing but Greta bashing and ignoring David Attenborough’s pleas for just a little common sense and some working together.
Suddenly, green is colour of the month. The environment is being slowly poisoned, but it begs the question, should we again trust politicians with such an appalling record with our future? They constantly fail to sort out the present, plan poorly in the past and thus the future perpetually looks bleak.
During Covid they had the perfect opportunity to consult with experts in all fields, procure or create the best in PPE. What do we get, the same old, same old? Contracts being awarded to those who have friends in the Government, the closed shop of opportunity. Experts in interdisciplinary areas being ignored and the Government making a hash of lockdowns and tiering because they won’t use tried and tested methods from other events. That is why we don’t learn from our mistakes and that is why this country is failing on so many levels.
So what are we going to do? Well taking petrol and diesel cars off the road and replacing them with electric cars was a brilliant idea for 1955, but it is a tad too late to make a huge difference. What are we going to do with the millions of old cars? Ah yes strip them and then find land fill sites to bury the parts that we can’t recycle. What about those that can’t afford an electric car? Are we going to further drive the divide between the have’s and have nots? The North of England is suffering badly, and this will continue until someone in power does something, not just shift the BBC northwards and sell a few houses to their executives. Are we part of a bigger plan? No, just getting rid of our cars won’t solve the problem. David Attenborough, a man of high integrity and someone who really knows what he is talking about has already identified that it has to be a collective and concerted effort in many aspects across the country to make some sort of significant change.
Oh yes and the green energy contracts, will they go to the cheapest and most deserving companies that already exist in this country. Not unless they have links to the Government methinks. Who will the advisors be? The Cummings of the greener planet? Green Party specialists? No it will be the Old Etonian network of get paid a lot for making no impact.
Come on Boris and the band, before you put such drivel out, think through the plan and give us something to be really excited about.
Professor Chris Kemp, CEO of Mind Over Matter Consultancy is known throughout the world as an expert on crowded space, leadership and the development of risk analysis processes for venues/ events. He has addressed the House of Commons Select Committee on Olympic Security for the London 2012 Olympic Games, advised the Royal Society of Medicine on crush injuries, and was employed by the HSE as their crowded space expert for the London Olympics. Chris has worked on major events including the Pope’s visit to Romania, the European Football Championships, and the Commonwealth Games, and supported the British Olympic Coaching Team. Chris is well published and has written several books. Find out more at www.momconsultancy.com/professor-chris-kemp.