Learners from MK SNAP (Milton Keynes Special Needs Advancement Project) have produced a fantastic photography exhibition showcasing their creative talents. It looks at the world from a different perspective.
It will be open to the public – firstly at The Quirk Space in Olney from the 17th May until the 13th June and then at the MK Gallery Pop Up Exhibition on the 15th and 16th July. Further dates are to be announced shortly.
Our CEO Professor Chris Kemp, who is a trustee for MK SNAP, has been involved in this project. He says:
It has been my pleasure as a trustee MK SNAP to have worked with six learners on a photographic course earlier this year.
This was such an uplifting experience, observing the learners’ skills grow as they became immersed in the course producing some truly wonderful work.
The exhibition is titled “Works from an Alternative Perspective” and really captures the world from many different angles.
I would like to thank all of the staff and management team for their support of this project and their ongoing support of the charity in these difficult times.
Why not come along and see something that is truly special!
Professor Chris Kemp, Mind Over Matter CEO
Find out more about The Quirk Space here…https://www.thequirkspace.co.uk/
Learn more about our CEO Professor Chris Kemp here…https://www.momconsultancy.com/professor-chris-kemp/