Jul 6, 2020 | Covid- 19, Webinars
COVID19 Webinar: Events, Venues, Festivals and Crowded Spaces now available to watch This fourth Webinar, on the 25th June, revisited the first group of speakers in our series to find out how the environment and context have changed over the last three months and how...
Jun 14, 2020 | Counter Terrorism
Today sees the launch of the MOM Counter Terrorism and Security Portfolio. This quality submission includes courses, consultancy and executive education to create a seamless delivery based on high quality and a solution-based methodology. Programme Introduction Our...
Jun 3, 2020 | Covid- 19, Webinars
WebEx: Small venues, individual artists, theatre companies and the public: How COVID19 and its aftermath will impact on the artistic and cultural life of Britain This third of four Webinars dealing with the Covid19 situation was entirely different to the others in the...