Own Your Own Fear: Teamwork
Our final blog is about Teamwork.
It is one of the most essential activities which takes place in an organisation, without it we are just individuals often working against each other rather than for the good of the team.
People often have a fear of being left out or of being too much a team player and this is often because they are unsure of the dynamics of a team in which everyone has their place.
I first really learned to embrace the teamwork ethic during the hosting of seven days of the Royal Shakespeare Touring Company presenting two back-to-back productions including Shakespeare’s Richard III.
We were advised in advance that it took 21 hours to set up the theatre and other areas in the leisure centre where I was one of the managers.
The get in would start at 7pm and finish 21 hours later and we had to provide a crew to facilitate this. We sat down and worked out that we needed 3 teams to work the three seven hour shifts.
Each team comprised fourteen people who would firstly unload the lorries, stack the seats and theatre parts. These would then be carried into the space and after this was complete the stage and seating would be set up. To help us there was a team of touring crew who would advise us about what to do and how to do it.
The day arrived and the first team turned up and worked exceptionally hard as the seating, staging floors and curtains were very difficult to move because of their weight.
This is the final blog of our series, Own Your Own Fear. We hope you have enjoyed it.
We have covered:
- Communication
- Leadership Development
- Negotiation
- Talent Spotting
- Decision Making
- Motivation
- Problem Solving
- Teamwork
Do refer back to our other articles on Own Your Own Fear at any time.