Trust, honesty, grit and determination were the key buzzwords in a difficult but rewarding 2023!
This year has been an exceptional year for MOM. Whilst there have been many challenging moments both in the personal and professional arena, we as a team managed to come out of it having completed our many and varied projects with a feeling of satisfaction!
The highlights of the year were the rich diet of tabletop and scenario-based learning opportunities provided by our clients and partners, which really tested us to the limit. These included Cup Finals, American Football and the Lionesses support team.
Expert reports were delivered, and courses for the NAA, museums, galleries, individual companies and venues were all completed!
New requests were welcomed and often took us in a different direction, such as into the world of arts and culture.
Key Projects
The seven major projects that MOM and our Associates have been involved or culminating in during 2023 included:
- the European City of Culture celebrations with our friend Codruta Vulcu in Romania.
- we returned to the Grand Prix at Silverstone to work for Jax and her teams. We focused on how the changed structure around the track was delivering the crowd safely through ingress, circulation, stasis and egress.
- this year at Roskilde Festival we focused on both the control room and on how the security team were performing at other events in the city of Copenhagen.
- we were also commissioned by the England and Wales Cricket Board to deliver a follow up project to last year’s on the short format Men’s and Women’s games. The new project focused on the causes of the rise in popularity globally of the Women’s game.
- our final and most inspiring project was in partnership with AEG Europe and focused on risk mitigation at events and festivals across key parts of Europe.
We continue to be thankful to both our associates and clients for putting their trust in us with such important work. We are honoured to work in a set of industries that are professionalising themselves through grit and determination, and a realisation that security, safety and service are the key foci of any event.
Mind Over Matter Consultancy Ltd (MOM) is a company that delivers cutting edge management consultancy and quality education provision. We are experts in the fields of event safety, crowd safety, emergency planning, crowd science, leadership and risk management. Find out more about what we do here…https://www.momconsultancy.com/who-we-are/