Jun 27, 2017 | Leadership, Politics
As we survey the political landscape post-election it seems to smack of what a battlefield must feel like at the end of any conflict. There are casualties, stories of false bravery, those who kept their heads down, appearing to take any scrap of reflected glory and...
Jun 16, 2017 | Leadership
With a General Election comes the obligatory focus on what styles of leadership the parties are adopting and how good are they at capturing the public’s imagination. This election was no different. However, each of the party leaders was caught out by the public’s...
Jun 14, 2017 | Leadership
Oh the joy of an undecided public brought tears of relief to my eyes. Well, how could one make up one’s mind about the best of a bad bunch. But I bet the liars are relieved that they did not have to live up to their false promises. So where does that leave us? In the...