Introducing……..MSc Crowded Space Design & Management
This MSc in Crowd Management is the culmination of thirty years work in the crowded space environment using the knowledge and experience of a wide range of practitioners and academics to explore this fascinating area. The programme starts from the premise that to understand the crowd and their environment one has to understand urban and non-urban planning to enable participants to gain a full range of tools with which to them explore the effective management of the crowd itself.
To achieve this the MSc is divided into three parts and is specifically work based and taught through the ‘Learning in the Round” philosophy where the facilitators (tutors) the experts and the participants (who are also experts in specific areas) are interchangeable providing and creating new knowledge and helping to build new theory and practice in their quest to create resilient planning frameworks and highly applicable concepts and practices.
The MSc is divided into three distinct parts:
Part One
The first stage wrestles with the fundamental concepts of urban and non-urban planning, questioning why we build the way in which we do and the challenges this creates. The course then proceeds to focus on the psychosocial engineering examining the way in which the crowd thinks and how we harness this in our work. Finally, the first stage culminates in the testing of organisational cultural theory and its integration with crowded space examining the management structures that we have created and their fitness for purpose.
Part Two
The second stage delivers theory in action, with a focus on the interdisciplinary approaches to the challenges that the crowded space environment brings and how disparate disciplines can provide solutions to this fascinating area. This is further developed by examining how the crowded space is changing and the way in which we can utilise these changes to deliver solutions and provide tools which can help to enhance the crowds’ experience, thus reducing the risk and challenges of both the dynamics and associated behaviours.
Part Three
A major project/dissertation is then undertaken to enable participants to pick up a theme discovered during the programme and develop a substantial piece of work developing this theme given a specific context and environment.
The course will be taught through a number of workshops and a blended learning approach in the workplace allowing those full time and part time employees to utilise their new-found knowledge and skills in their own environment.
The course has been developed by a wide range of key players in a number of different fields, from companies, organisations and educational establishments across Europe. The workshops will be delivered by these people to ensure that the most current knowledge and delivery methods are used so that those participating get a first-class educational experience that can be immediately transposed into the workplace.
All of those providing input to the programme work full-time in the industry, as consultants and/or in an academic context.