Feb 14, 2022 | Consultancy, Counter Terrorism, Courses, Crowd Management, Crowd Safety, Risk Assessment
Professor Chris Kemp reflects on the crowded space education he recently delivered to the O2 events team: ‘Today was the final module of the MOM suite taught at the O2 Arena. The programme supported staff from different areas at the O2, SES and ISG showing the...
Apr 24, 2021 | Company News, Consultancy, Courses
Today a partnership was launched between Cranfield Defence and Security Services Ltd (CDSSL), a wholly owned subsidiary of Cranfield University and Mind Over Matter Consultancy (MOM) in crowded and public spaces and places security. Through this partnership CDSSL...
Aug 8, 2017 | Consultancy, Leadership
How to engage employees is so important not to just productivity but to establish a work-life balance that supports the holistic view of an employee’s time. A happy work/ life balance will by its very nature make employees feel valued and supported and make them...
Aug 8, 2017 | Consultancy, Leadership
How to engage employees is so important not to just productivity but to establish a work-life balance that supports the holistic view of an employee’s time. A happy work/ life balance will by its very nature make employees feel valued and supported and make them...
Jul 30, 2017 | Consultancy, Leadership
There is a great deal written about how to lead, styles of leadership and a kind of pseudo theoretical delivery of effective leadership but all of these boil down to a regurgitation of everything that has been said before making new ideas pale into significance...
Jul 21, 2017 | Consultancy, Crowd Management, Festivals
Why are we so terrible at briefing teams at events; Simple we do it for them and not for us. The seven things to remember: Having spoken to all levels of management about briefing delivery it is clear that many thoughts and ideas are apparent across the team. However,...